The process
A retainer of $3,000 and a signed contract to get started with my services.
This retainer fee will be used for the following up until the first IEP attendance:
Research (Federal and State Laws and Regulations, and case laws similar or relevant to your case).
Communications (email, text, and phone)
Reviewing educational records and school documents and interpretations of assessment scores and Psycho-educational reports.
IEP parent coaching: 1-hour Zoom meeting.
After the first IEP attendance, my advocacy consultation will be charged based on per hour.
However, I do not hold meetings without payment in advance, and I only accept Venmo, cash, or PayPal—NO checks, please.
Invoices will be issued [weekly] for the hourly clients and are payable within the due date.
Late Fees: A late fee will be applied to any unpaid balance past due.
Payment Methods Accepted: [Paypal, Venmo, or Cash ]
My advocacy services are a cost-effective option and are 1/3 the cost of hiring a special education attorney. While I can’t promise the same outcomes, giving me a try may be worthwhile.
• In-person or Zoom one-hour meeting at our office to discuss your child’s needs and available options for my services. After the first IEP attendance, every meeting will be charged per hour. Please ask for the fee.
• However, I do not hold meetings without payment in advance, and I only accept cash or PayPal—no checks, please.
• Additionally, I will need a complete copy of your child’s school records, including important documents like report cards, test results, and special education plans. Please keep in mind that these documents cannot be returned to you.
If you think you might only need a short consultation, just send me an email. You can pay for that meeting in advance and schedule it over the phone. We can work together as needed without needing a contract for these short consultations.