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Special Ed Advocacy ?
“Empowering parents to secure the services and support their child deserves for a successful educational journey.”
Are you having trouble securing the necessary services for your child, such as speech, occupational, or behavioral therapy?
Is your child receiving the support they are entitled to under their IEP or 504 Plan?
Do you feel the school district is not adequately addressing your concerns during IEP/504 meetings?
Is your child being placed in the Least Restrictive Environment appropriate for their needs?
Is your child attending their designated neighborhood school, or have you been requested to pick them up due to behavioral issues?
Has your child been suspended or faced potential expulsion?
Are there concerns about bullying or discrimination?
Has your child been diagnosed with ADHD/ADD but denied appropriate accommodations and services?
Are mental health challenges impacting your child’s ability to access a Free and Appropriate Public Education?
“IEP or 504? Find the Right Path for Your Child’s Success!”
Watch this video by Understood explaining the difference between an IEP and a 504 Plan